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Bio-energy a hit in China


Bio-energy is a hit in China. At least if you judge by the overwhelming interest from Chinese participants in the 2013 China International Bio-energy Summit, which were held on 4 and 5 July.


Both the plenum sessions and the more technical parallel sessions were quite packed with  participants with appetite on knowing more about the possibilities in biomass and bio-energy for China. I had the fortune to be invited to moderate a plenum session on regional experiences on the use of biomass for energy in Canada, Denmark, Austria and Brazil, which gave both an impressive and kaleidoscopic overview of the many different possibilities for use of bio-energy – from power and heating production to biofuels in various forms.

The second day I hade a brief introduction to the Danish biomass experiences for heating, which started in the 1980’ties. Today biomass has an important role in Denmark’s ambitious target for a non-fossil fuel free energy system in 2050. See my presentation here: biomass for heating in Denmark-handouts.


Support to Chinese Danish RE Cooperation launched


The Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Development Programme (RED) is now launching a support scheme for research cooperation between Danish and Chinese institutions and companies in the field of renewable energy. See the call for proposals below.

An information meeting will be held in Copenhagen Thursday 1 March 14:00 at the Danish Energy Agency, Amaliegade 44, where you can get more information about the support scheme.

Call for proposals for RED C2